Community Supported Education


We invite you to a community of children, teachers and families creating an independent school based on the child as the centre of the education.

You’re not just sending your child to a school…. you’re joining a community.  Waldorf education is a holistic and transformative education; rich in wisdom stories, academics enlivened by the arts, practical skills, festivals and nature experiences.  It is an education that sees the child not as an empty vessel that needs ‘filling up’ but rather as a seed, that with nurturing and support is unfolding one’s own inner wisdom and creativity; growing and becoming more of oneself.

While public education is offered by good teachers, they are accountable to deliver ‘the curriculum’ which is standardized, regulated and focused on specific achievements.  Waldorf education is a worldwide movement of schools that are independent from each other and from a governing body.   The schools share a common image of the child, philosophy and principles yet are free in working with a Waldorf curriculum that stands behind them as support.  The teachers serve the child and are accountable and in relationship with the parents.

Your child is seen at our school.  We value and build up relationships.  Through the years, students are given opportunities to understand themselves in the context of their family, friends, community and the world developing both individually and collectively.  Through storytelling and meaningful academic, artistic, practical and social experiences, children see the world through the eyes of others and develop a deep connection to their education.  Our students head to high school and higher education with a unique depth and breadth of knowledge and a lifelong love of learning.  

Northern Lights School is a not-for-profit and is supported by its three pillars.  A volunteer Board oversees the mission and vision of the school as well as the responsibility for its legal and financial well being.   The teachers meet once a week and carry the children together through child study and discussions.  They are also active with study and the arts as a form of inner development and carry the school in its multitude of daily operations.  The third pillar is the Parents’ Circle which carries the parent’s involvement in the social life of the school and their challenge to economically fund the school.

The school is created and carried by community of teachers, parents, grandparents and friends who offer their good will.  Central to a vibrant school are teachers and parents who are active within the community; learning, developing and serving.   The community gathers for school events and festivals such as the Fall Michaelmas Play, a Lantern walk in November and the Gnome Fair in December.  A Winter Family Day is celebrated at Tapiola, our Nature campus. In spring we celebrate a May Festival with Maypole dancing and singing.  The year is closed with a picnic lunch on the last day of the term.

Waldorf education is based in anthroposophy which is ‘the wisdom of the human being’ as a body of knowledge and as a path of development.  Faculty members are encouraged to take up a path of furthering their knowledge of anthroposophy, personal and professional development in Waldorf education and service to the children and within the local community.  We invite parents and friends to be a part of the parent development programs that furthers an understanding of the education and creates a common ground out of which we can raise the children together.

May we all be nourished and enriched by the children’s educational journey.  May you be inspired to be a part of the community supporting this ‘Education toward Freedom”.


Why Waldorf?
Why Waldorf?

Wondering what Waldorf education is all about? Watch the video below to find out.  

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